Pro/ENGINEER Interview Questions and Answers
Posted in Design, Latest Mechanical Interview Q & A, Mechanical, Pro-E, Pro/ENGINEER Questions and Answers by TheMech On January 23, 2014

Pro/ENGINEER [Pro-E] 1. What is the difference between object reference and geometric associativity? A .Object reference is a data management term that has to do with the way one object references another. Geometric associativity has to do with how a parts geometry
The Inside Story of How the iPad Got Its Iconic Deisgn

While Jony Ive’s group was secretly working on the iPad, Steve Jobs was telling the public and press that Apple had no intention of releasing a tablet. “Tablets appeal to rich guys with plenty of other PCs and de- vices already,”
Catia V5 Questions and Answers
Posted in CATIA, Catia V5 Questions and Answers, Design, Latest Mechanical Interview Q & A, Mechanical, Mechanical CAD by TheMech On October 16, 2013

CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) CATIA is a multi-platform CAD/CAM/CAE commercial software suite developed by the French company Dassault Systemes. Written in the C++ programming language, CATIA is the cornerstone of the Dassault Systemes product lifecycle management software suite. CATIA competes
How One Man Created a 1,000 Ton Coral Castle in 1923

Between 1923 and 1951, a diminutive Floridian single-handedly and without heavy machinery moved 1,000 tons of limestone, creating out of it a castle. This is his story. The Builder Very little is known of the mysterious creator of the Coral Castle,
Why You Always See Crushed Stones Alongside Railroad Tracks

This is a good question with an interesting answer. The crushed stones are what is known as ballast. Their purpose is to hold the wooden cross ties in place, which in turn hold the rails in place. Think about the engineering
These Incredible New Buses Are Charged Wirelessly by the Road Itself

Imagine an electric vehicle that can travel endless distances without ever needing to stop at a recharging station.That sounds impossible, right? Because electric vehicles run on batteries, and at some point, you need stop and charge those batteries. Not this one.
These Adorable GIFs Are Like Tiny Moving Picture Books

Only a handful of individuals have succeeded in making the GIF into something artful. We can definitely add artist and designer Guillaume Kurkdjian to that list, because his collection of lovely, child-like animations are dioramas of whimsical delight. Scrolling through