Catia V5 Questions and Answers
CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application)
CATIA is a multi-platform CAD/CAM/CAE commercial software suite developed by the French company Dassault Systemes. Written in the C++ programming language, CATIA is the cornerstone of the Dassault Systemes product lifecycle management software suite.
CATIA competes in the high-end CAD/CAM/CAE market with Creo Elements/Pro and NX (Unigraphics).
Catia V5 Questions and Answers
1. what is the carnal for catia?
2. What is positioned sketch?
Ans: you can can orient a sketch plane according to your requirement then you can sketch its positioned sketch.
3. what is sketch analysis?
Ans: Sketch analysis is used to check the profile is open or close, and to convert some profiles in to Reference elements and to delete. and also used to check the sketch is constrained or not.
4. What do you mean by constraining a sketch?
Ans: arresting the degrees of freedom of a sketch.
5. How many degrees of freedom are there for a line in 2D
Ans: 2 Degrees of Freedom (one along Horizontal and another along Vertical)
6. Can you create a pad using open profile:
Ans: yes, by checking thick option in pad you can extrude any open profile using pad.
7. What are the uses of guide curve and coupling curves in loft or multi section solid.
Ans: Guide curves are used to give a shape to a solid and couplings are used to get number of edges on solid.
8. what is trim ribbons?
Ans: O remove an overlapping material in edge fillets by using trim ribbons we can trim the over lapping material.
9. what is the difference between Mirror and Symmetry?
Ans: Symmetry is used to translate the features about a point or line or plane. Mirror is used to translate a single or multiple features on the other side of plane.
we cannot take point or line an mirror reference always it should be a plane or planer surface.
10. what is Power copy ?
Ans: power copy is a feature we can copy and save the list of features and when ever you need in same part or in different part you can call and insert it.
11. What is the difference between UFC and Power copy?
Ans: When we creating both its same but when you insert a UFC you will get only feature and its parameters you can edit the parameters. when you inserting power copy you will get both Feature and Sketch both.12. can you edit UFC after inserting?
Ans: YES
13. How may types of Assemblies are there?
Ans: 2 types , i) Top-down ii) Bottom-Up
14. What is the difference between Component and Product?
Ans: Both are used to create a sub assemblies , when you create a sub assembly using component you can use within a assembly file you cant use it in another assembly. but when you create a sub-assembly using Product you can use in another file and even you can save it as a separate product file but you cant save as a separate assembly if you use component option.
Catia V5 Questions and Answers in PDF. |
Catia V5 Questions and Answers Part 1 .pdf |
Catia V5 Questions and Answers Part 2 .pdf |
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