IES Mechanical Engineering Previous Years Question Papers
Posted in IES, IES Conventional Mechanical Engineering Previous Years Q-Papers, IES Mechanical Engineering Question Papers, Mechanical by TheMech On June 10, 2014

IES Mechanical Engineering Previous Years Question Papers To keep our website working we’ve optimized short-link Ads. Please note you may need to click “Skip this Ad” To View file. IES Conventional Mechanical Engineering Previous Years Q-Papers IES-Conventional-Mechanical-Engineering-2000 VIEW / DOWNLOAD IES-Conventional-Mechanical-Engineering-2001
Mechanical properties for mechanical engineering and design

Mechanical Properties The mechanical properties of a material describe how it will react to physical forces. Mechanical properties occur as a result of the physical properties inherent to each material, and are determined through a series of standardized mechanical tests. Strength Strength
Mechanical Engineering Ebooks | Download for free

These Mechanical Engineering Ebooks Covers various Topics like Fluid Dynamics Thermodynamics Machine Design and Drawing Internal Combustion Engines Finite Element Analysis Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines Manufacturing Material Science Mechanical Vibration Power Plant Engineering Common To All Branches in Engineering, etc free download
Design And Applications Of Powder Metallurgy Processes
Posted in Manufacturing Engineering, Manufacturing technology, Mechanical, Powder Metallurgy by TheMech On January 31, 2014

Powder processing forms solid parts from material powders. It has been claimed powder metallurgy was used by the Egyptians 5000 years ago and in India 2,000 years ago, both in the manufacture of iron parts. Modern powder processing techniques began in the
Pro/ENGINEER Interview Questions and Answers
Posted in Design, Latest Mechanical Interview Q & A, Mechanical, Pro-E, Pro/ENGINEER Questions and Answers by TheMech On January 23, 2014

Pro/ENGINEER [Pro-E] 1. What is the difference between object reference and geometric associativity? A .Object reference is a data management term that has to do with the way one object references another. Geometric associativity has to do with how a parts geometry
Sheet Metal Forming Basics and Processes

Sheet Metal Forming Sheet metal forming involves a wide range of processes that manufacture parts for a vast amount of purposes, both seen and unseen. Sheet metal refers to metal that has a high surface area to volume ratio. Sheet metal work
Posted in Manufacturing Engineering, Manufacturing process, Manufacturing technology, Mechanical, Powder Metallurgy by TheMech On January 18, 2014

Powder metallurgy is the manufacturing science of producing solid parts of desired geometry and material from powders. Commonly known as powder metallurgy, it may also be referred to as powder processing considering that non-metal powders can be involved. Powders are compacted into
Deep Drawing Of Sheet Metal
Posted in Deep Drawing, Manufacturing Engineering, Manufacturing process, Manufacturing technology, Mechanical by TheMech On January 13, 2014

Deep Drawing Deep drawing is a manufacturing process that is used extensively in the forming of sheet metal into cup or box like structures. Pots and pans for cooking, containers, sinks, automobile parts, such as panels and gas tanks, are among a
Strap This Wind Turbine To Your Electric Car and You Can Drive Forever

Electricity-generating windmills churn out free energy as long as the wind is blowing. So strapping one to the roof of your car where there’s always a breeze as long as you’re driving just seems obvious. The Transport Turbine—seen here as a
Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions with answers

1. What is the importance of the Thermodynamics in the field of Mechanical Engineering? All the mechanical engineering systems are studied with the help of thermodynamics. Hence it is very important for the mechanical engineers. 2. How many Laws of Thermodynamics are
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